Monday, April 20, 2009

Anna's Assignment #9

Topic: Young amir and old Amir
Thesis Statement: The transition process from being a jules and ambition boy to brave and modest young man was an obvious contras that we read about in " kite runner" book. Although some ambitious and selfish Amir's behaviors were unacceptable, the changes and evolution in his manner were the nice event in this story.

1 comment:

  1. I think you can do a lot with your topic, but your thesis misses the point of the assignment. You are not supposed to trace the changes in Amir as he develops into a man - you are supposed to compare/contrast two different versions of Amir. So, don't show how he changed, but show how he is similar and different as a grown man than he was as a child. You need to have both differences AND similarities.
