Monday, April 13, 2009

Stella's assignment 8

I agree that both Talib and Amir got they deserved.
As for Talib,they stoning adulterers, raping children, flogging women for wearing high heels, assacring Hazzaras and so on. Assef lost his left eye, he deserve it.
As for Amir, he abandoned Hassan when he was in danger although Hassan try his best to protect him from hurting by Assef. So finally he had pay for it, he went to find Hassan's son, he has suffered some very significant injuries, he had a punctured lung and almost died. But in some aspect, i think all this to Amir is a disengagement, as Rahim Khan said later, his suffering will come to an end with his journey to Afghanistan.

1 comment:

  1. Good insights - although I don't understand your comment at the end "i think all this to Amir is a disengagement, as Rahim Khan said later"??
