Sunday, April 12, 2009

Amy's assignment#8

I agree with Amir's opinion that Assef and him both got what they deserved. For Hassan's son, Amir got badly injured in the house. However, he feel better after it because he thinks he has atoned the crime what he did to Hassan by saving his son. The hurt Amir got is a sort of pay back to Hassan.
To Assef, he did a lot of bad things. He killed many people and bullied Hassan's son. His eye is the pay for the sordid things he did before to Hassan.
Amir thinks this is the end of the bad cycle, he could feel less guilty to Hassan and have a more peaceful life in the rest of his life.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your interpretation of events, but do YOU agree with Amir's statement?? You forgot to say if you agree or not.
