Sunday, February 8, 2009

Assigment #3

Amir and Hassan's relationship is more than a friendship. Because they grew together. They are more like brothers. We can understand it, when Amir says, " I treated Hassan well, just like a friend, better even, more like a brother." But deep inside of Amir struggles with the thought of he is his servant. This is a dilemma in Amir. The reason of this could be jealous in Hassan's and Baba's relationship. We can understand when Amir says, " If I changed my mind and asked for a bigger and fancier kite, Baba would buy it for me - but then he'd buy it for Hassan too. Sometimes I wished he wouldn't do that. Wished he'd let me be the favorite." But still, they are like brothers

1 comment:

  1. Ovunc, yes - you have a good grasp on the inner conflict that Amir is feeling. He feels conflicted throughout much of this book.
