Sunday, February 8, 2009

Assignment #3 Dana Dai

In my point of view, I think their relationship is more like a master and a servant. First of all, from chapter 5, Amir is unsure of himself during the confrontation and is tempted to shout, "But he's not my friend!.....He's my servant." This thought shocks Amir, who then realizes he plays with Hassan only when no one else is around, even though he usually treats Hassan more like a brother than a friend. Secondly, when Baba gave Hassan a birthday present, the plastic surgery. Amir thought, “I wished I too had some kind of scar that would beget Baba's sympathy, it wasn't fair. Hassan hadn't done anything to earn Baba's affections; he'd just been born with that stupid harelip.” If he takes Hassan as a friend or brother then he should be happy for him instead of being jealous. What is more, in chapter 6, one time, while waiting for a kite to land, Amir turns a simple little comment made by Hassan, "I'd sooner eat dirt" into a challenge of the hierarchy and nature of their relationship. Hassan not only answers but also is able to challenge Amir's integrity with his own reply, questioning if Amir would ever ask such a thing. This showed that Hassan take himself as a servant because he will do whatever Amir said. Above all, I believe that Hassan and Amir relate more like master and servant


  1. Dana, I have a same opinion as you.
    I can see Amir's jealousy from many scenes.

  2. Dana, you raise some good points, but I have a question for you: why would Amir be jealous of his servant? Are you jealous of someone who is in a position lower than you? Usually the people we are most jealous of are our equals - our siblings or friends. I agree with your other examples, but not this one.
