Sunday, March 29, 2009

assignment #7

There are similarities and differences between adult amir and child amir. Because of Amir grew up in America, he developed himself in many ways. He changed as personality. Because, now he is an adult and take responsibilities. But, of course he still has similarities with child Amir. Because many of his behaviour is remains from his childhood. We can see similarities both ways as physical and mental. If we need to give some examples, he still has car sickness. This is one physical similarity, that he has. When Rahim Khan asked him to go and bring Sohrab. Amir wants to escape from it. He doesn't want to do that. He doesn't stand for his brothers son. That shows, he is just like when he was a kid. But, Of course there are differences between adult Amir and child Amir. Biggest difference is, even though he hesitates first, adult Amir takes responsibility and he fights for right. He tries to be a man. Also, another difference about Amir. He thought that he and Baba was different. Now he sees that there are similarities between Baba and him more than he knew. In a way, he starts to be like Baba.

1 comment:

  1. "Biggest difference is, even though he hesitates first, adult Amir takes responsibility and he fights for right. He tries to be a man. Also... he sees that there are similarities between Baba and him more than he knew. In a way, he starts to be like Baba."
    Great job describing these differences!
