Sunday, March 1, 2009

Jun's assignment5

Baba loved the idea of America. That was the idea which he believed America was the brash savior, America was the country to be worth his time. “When Ronald Reagan went on TV and called the Shorawi ‘the Evil Empire.’ Baba went out and bought a picture of the grinning president giving a thumbs up. He framed the picture and huge it in our hallway, nailing it right next to the old black-and-white of himself in his thin necktie shaking hands with King Zahir Shah.” He did love America with his idea of America.
But, America was a place to mourn his “idea of America” also. He worked hard at a gas station. He lived in a poor condition. He got an ulcer. It was a complete different life than before when he lived in his hometown. He missed his old life. There was one thing really make him upset for the thing happened on him in America. He got to fight with Mr. Nguyen when he was asked to show his ID at Mr. Nguyen’s grocery store. Because, it would not happen to be asked questions and ID when he bought grocery in Kabul. “What kind of a country is this? No one trusts anybody!”
I thought it would be very convenience to do things in America before I came here. Everybody knew that America is a developed country. But I’ve found it will be very inconvenience if you don’t know driving in America. I didn’t drive in my country. But I could go any place easier. It is more convenience than in America.

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