Monday, March 9, 2009

Jun's assignment6

Alternative energy can replace effectively fossil fuels. We can’t leave without energy. We are also facing a situation that the energy we used to is running out such as oil, coal. Alternative energy includes biofuels, hydrogen, solar power and wind refering a wild energy sources for us. And Alternative energy has less harmless impacts on our planet. Human have practiced using wind to produce electristy, using solar in farming, green house, etc. We can make them become more effectively to replace fossil fuels.

1 comment:

  1. Jun, this looks like a good start, but like Kiho, your topic is MUCH TOO BROAD. Using alternative energy to replace fossil fuels is a HUGE topic. You need to narrow it to focus on one aspect of alternative energy. Also, you don't say WHY you are interested in this topic and chose it to study.
