Tuesday, April 28, 2009
10# Li
# 10
Jun's assignment 10
I love this book at the part of deeply describing of Amir’s psychological activities about the things he was experiencing and special describing was given on the surrounding environment. The part in the book I don’t like it is the story itself. There were so many terrible things happened in the story. It shows us only sin of human. Anyway, it is value to be read. It brings me a lot of sense of human’s life issues related with family, relationship and war, culture and history etc. I would like to recommend this book to another reader.
Amir has possion in writing, but wasn't strong enough which Baba dislike about. Hassan a strong boy and willing to protect Amir when he in trouble, but he is disable. They both love running kite. However, everything have chang because the kite tour.
Final Blog for Abdullah
Stella's assignment 10
The whole story is powerful, the description of emotion is minute and wonderful. I strongly recommend people to read this book.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Final blog from wei
I highly recommended this book. It is really awesome.You will never know what will happen next.You just can not give it up.
Hitomi assignment#10
This novel has many kinds of elements such as friendship, betrayal, love, bond, faith and so on. The complicated relationship of Amir and Hassan caused many things. So I couldn’t guess what would happen for the next scene. I felt like I was drawn into their world. I think it’s because the author express the character’s feeling by subtle descriptions like their actions or countenance. We cannot say that the ending was happy. But I was glad that Amir made up for his guilty finally.
This story took place in Afghanistan. It talked about amir's childhood. Amir's father was a very rich man in kabul. His mother died in childbirth. Hassan was a servant in amir's house. Amir and Hassan were always together. Hassan loved Amir as his brother. Baba didn't pay much attention to his son. On day there were kite,amir won. Then Amir went home but he didn't see Hassan home. He went out to look for Hassan ,he saw him with a gay his name is Assef and his friend. Assef raped Hassan ,but amir did nothing. After amir won his relationship with his father improved. Amir put his watch under Hassan mattress. The next day he told his father that Hassan stole his watch. Baba didn't want them to go but they did. When the soviet occupation afghanistan, amir and his father had to go to Pakistan by truck. Then, Amir and his father moved to San Francisco. Living in america wasn't that easy for them. Baba worked in gas station and he loved the idea of america. Baba celebrated with Amir when Amir graduated from college. Amir wished Hassan were with them. Then Amir fell in love with Soraya and they got married. Baba got sick. He had cancer. One day Rahim Khan called Amir and asked him to come to Peshawar. Rahim asked him to go to Kabul and bring Hassan's son, but he refused. When Rahim told him that Hassan his brother, he went.
I really like how the writer end this story. He showed how Amir were with Hassan ,and how Amir became after he moved th america. Also, all the money that his father had gone. Money nothing beside a relationship. I would recommended this story book for everyone especially for the rich people.
Assignment# 10
You can feel the pain and struggles in your heart while you are reading. With Khaled Hosseini's descriptions, you feel like, you are in the story. Struggles of characters would remind our own’s. The Kite Runner is 371 page of drama that takes you in. If you do not like sadness and hard times, my recommendation is do not even attempt to open the cover. But, if you would like to read a good piece of literature, go and have one now. The Kite Runner is one of a kind about what it is going to be tells you.
In this noble, I can learn a lot about Afghanistan because I thought that Afghanistan mean for me was just war and Taliban. And I did not feel they have same love as I get from my hometown and friend. I love this book. I think that the book gave me very good example of well done story line and humanity.
Dana's Assignment 10
Ultimately, The Kite Runner is a novel about relationships. Specifically the relationships between Amir and Hassan, Baba, Rahim Khan, Soraya, and Sohrab, and how the complex relationships in our lives overlap and connect to make us the people we are. Follow the steps with Amir, changed from a craven boy to a brave man, from a persnickety person to a generous person. We see the shadow of ourselves. I recommend this book to you, because this is a book you will never forget.
Jiahui's assignment 10
This novel witten by Hosseini called "the Kite Runner". Characters' emotion in the novel was described exquisitely and deeply. Besides, the enviroment description was in a quite special style. You can feel you're personally on the scene and see the world through Amir's eyes. What's more, the conception of this novel was ingenious. You may find before each climax appeared, the author had already used metaphor to indicate that. Thus, I recommend this novel, not only the description of emotion and enviroment, but also the unique conception.
Terry's Assignment 10
The story is labyrinthian but significant. The author depicted the experience of a hero’s growing, his self-fish, his recreancy and his adamancy. The kite carried author’s dream and evil. It’s worthy to read and the story tells the readers a lot for how to be a real man. What should you do when facing the problems like the author’s, to be brave to show your regret or to let them alone with time going by? The answer is that you should be brave to envisage your error, not only regret or self-accusation, but to face it bravely as the author.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Assignment 9 form Xinyue
Anna's Assignment# 10
I think this story was a really deep story which showed us the transition of childish behavior to the mature behavior and also how the war suffer the people and take them apart of their habitat. I like the way in which khaled hosseini finished this book. After reading more than half of this book I thought so this is going to happen. In spite of dark and sad sense of this story, it was ended by nice event which makes me happy. I really recommend this book to the people and especially to the international students. In additions of having really understandable writing it represent a deep idea.
Amy's review
Amir, a boy in a rich family and Hassan who is Amir's friends and servant, took part in a kite race in the year when they were twelve. They enjoy the life before the race. However, everything has changed after the day which makes Hassan left Amir and they failed to met each other again in their whole life. Time flies, Amir moved to America and lived a peaceful life for years but he could never forgave himself about what he did to Hassan and lived with guilty all the time until a phone call from Pakistan. Truth, responsibility and atone. What happened in that day? What will be Amir's choice? What should Amir do to over the bad cycle? Let's watch and see.
This book is so nice that I cannot help to read it several times. I enjoy it because the love which described in this book is really touching. The feeling is so real that as if I was in the writer's shoes and spent the same days with Amir and Hassan. It's not only talk about kite runner but also a love runner. The trying Amir did show us a tough process from a coward boy to a brave man which moves me a lot. I think this book told us that everyone no matter who, has a heart looking forward love and try his or her best to get it, will be happy in the end. We all should be a love runner.
Liz's review
The Kite Runner is a beautiful story with brutal realism. Hosseini showed us the nature and atonement of personality by his exquisite brushwork. This booking will shake your heart whiling reading. It is a story about life in transmigration, overlapping the beginning and the end of the story: the broad sky, the flying kite and the kids running the kites, cheering. The story honors the past days of the most precious time. This is the sparkling point of the book. The author also shaped an individual who grew up in struggle. Amir is a model of loneliness and brave heart. He was low, but he was a hero by being strong in heart and over come all the tough stuffs with faith. Although the story was brutal, this is a book that you can’t ignore.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Blog Assignment 10
A book review includes a short summary of the book, telling the reader about the important themes and characters. The summary should not give away the ending!
A review also includes an evaluation of a book – would you recommend this book to another reader? Why or why not? Describe what was good or bad about the book.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
American Amir VS Afghanistan Amir from wei
clover's topic
From Gabul to USA, BaBa life change a lot, from a rich and be respected man become a nomore old man even when he sick he did not have money to saw the doctor.Big downs and ups of his life.
Jiahui's assignment 9
Jun’s comparison/contrast essay
"The kite runner" is a detailed description of the course of Amir’s life from childhood to adult. His life and his emotions changing are comprised by his personal character and relationship he chooses between him, Baba, and Hassan. What Amir became and what Amir’s course of life was were shaped by the choices he made.
Terry's Assignment 9
There are many differences about his life in the two different places. When he was in Afghanistan, he had some luxurious house facilities and rich enough to do some charitable works, such as to build an orphanage. Make a lot money once on business and get others' respect. However, he nearly lost everything when he came to US. A luxurious house became a poor room. A hard job only could satisfy their basic life, even his neighbour always shout to him. On the other aspect, the similarities are smoking and loving Amir no matter where he was. Baba smoked a lot wherever he was and it resulted to his cancer directly. He loved Amir very much, such as help him to celebrate his birthday, spending a lot on his education and saving money for his wedding.
Assignment 9 form Xinyue
Anna's Assignment #9
Thesis Statement: The transition process from being a jules and ambition boy to brave and modest young man was an obvious contras that we read about in " kite runner" book. Although some ambitious and selfish Amir's behaviors were unacceptable, the changes and evolution in his manner were the nice event in this story.
Hitomi's topic
They have many differences such as status, personality and attitude toward each other. Hassan is innocent and does anything for Amir. Amir is totally different from Hassan. It is not too much to say that this difference of their personalities caused the incident.
I would like to compare them in process of time. And also, I would like to write about their relationship with other people like Baba, Ali and Rahim Khan.
Stella's assignment 9
Actually,kite runner, the whole story in between Amir and Hassan, and the difference and similarities between Amir and Hassan make the plot twists and turns. Thoses things lead to Baba's disparate attitude, their friendship, their different experience and so on.
Amy's topic and thesis statement
Thesis statement:
The different characteristics between Amir and Hassan are obviously because the religion and social status. However, they share some similarities at the same time. They are brothers and the same blood in thier body decide that they connected with eachother tightly in thier whole life.
Liz's Topic and Statement
When Amir had been growing up. He had two father figures. Rahim Khan shows more tolerance to Amir and he accepted Amir as who he is. On the other hand, Baba is more restrict to Amir and he wants to make Amir like himself.They both effected on him.
Dana‘s comparative/contrast essay
There are similarities and differences between adult amir and child amir. We can see similarities both ways as physical and mental. Amir has changed a lot since his childhood, but at the meantime, he still doesn't stand for anyone and doesn't want to take risks. Some of his behaviour is remains from his childhood.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Dana's Assignment 8
Li Assignment 8
assignment 8 from wei
# 8
Hitomi assignment#8
Abdullah's assignment
I agree that Talib and Amir got what they deserved because Amir got a injured badly that could have cost him his life, that would be a little pay back to Hassan who did alot for this kid and I would say he deserve it however, for Assef who did so many bad things he lost his eye which is something that he defiantly deserve.
Assignment#8 Ovunc
Jun's assignment8
Terry's Assignment 8
Amir was hurt seriously because of Hassan’s son. Amir always remembered that he did nothing for Hassan in childhood when Hassan was bullied. Amir thought he owed Hassan something. And this time, he helped Hassan’s son, maybe it’s another way for him to feel better. For Assef, he did something bad for others. And these brought others a lot of trouble. In the book, Assef lost his eye. It’s the reflection of what he did. He got what he should get.
Stella's assignment 8
As for Talib,they stoning adulterers, raping children, flogging women for wearing high heels, assacring Hazzaras and so on. Assef lost his left eye, he deserve it.
As for Amir, he abandoned Hassan when he was in danger although Hassan try his best to protect him from hurting by Assef. So finally he had pay for it, he went to find Hassan's son, he has suffered some very significant injuries, he had a punctured lung and almost died. But in some aspect, i think all this to Amir is a disengagement, as Rahim Khan said later, his suffering will come to an end with his journey to Afghanistan.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Anna assignment #8
Assignment 8 form Xinyue
Amy's assignment#8
To Assef, he did a lot of bad things. He killed many people and bullied Hassan's son. His eye is the pay for the sordid things he did before to Hassan.
Amir thinks this is the end of the bad cycle, he could feel less guilty to Hassan and have a more peaceful life in the rest of his life.
Jiahui's assignment 8
I don't agree they both got what they deserved. Maybe Amir exactly got what he wanted, but it's not the same for Assef. He's a brutal person and had an unlimited desire. Thus, he couldn't give them free so easily and would asked for more, I guess. That's the reason why I disagree with the opinion.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Assignment #8 Liz
Assignment 8: Chapters 22-23
What do you think he means by this response? Do you agree that he and Assef both got what they deserved? Why or why not?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
like Amir, when he grow up always think about Hassan, when Rahim Khan call him go back Kabul he was try looking for an excuse to refuse him,like he has wife can not leave her or something else. because he is afraid to face his past, this is his inbeing same with when he was young try to avoid his responsibility. finally he go back to kabul. why? as i say with age grow up the thought constantly changing, he grow up, he became maturate and responsible.He wanted to be held responsible. but in the end he still can not face Hassan's son and do not want to bring him take care him. why? because his inbeing! he is afraid to face his mistake.
difference or same behavior of young and old Amir
Jiahui's assignment 7
Everyone will change because they're growing up all the time, however. Amir is not an exception. When he was a child, he just felt a little guilty to Hassan, but adult Amir realized Hassan's unfortunate is because of him and also his father. Thus, his feeling is not just guiltiness but also atonement. Here are two examples from his thought. One is that "Rahim Khan had summoned me here to atone not just for my sins but for Baba's too". The another one is "How could I pack up and go back home when my actions may have cost Hassan a chance at those very same things?" That may be the biggest difference between the child and adult Amir.
Terry's Assignment7
Different Aspects: In childhood, he just treated Hassan as a servant, even always joked Hassan for fun. When Amir was an adult, he admitted Hassan as a brother. During the talking with others, Amir said Hassan was his brother.When Amir was a child, he always thought about himself and not cared others’ feeling, but now, he started to help others. When Amir met Hassan again, Amir cared his family.
Hitomi assignment#7
However, if he didn't change at all, he would evade going to Kabul. He finally made up his mind to go there because he was aware that he was old enough to take an action. He decided to do his own 'fighting' for his brother. I think this point especially showed Amir's change. Also, I found out that Amir became to respect others. He showed his respect at some points and he was more considerate then his childfood. He was egotistic and didn't consider of other's feeling when he was a child.
Amy's assignment 7
On the other hand, Amir become more braver and responsible for his past. He admitted Hassan as his brother and decide to back to Kabul to find Hassan’s son at last. He also felt sorry for what Baba had done to Ali and Hassan. Amir thought that it’s not fair to Hassan to live as a Hazara without respectful so many years. He think it’s time for him to atone the crime which Baba and himself did and end the bad cycle.
Stella's assignment 7
Assignment #7 Liz
assignment 7
From whole period of Amir’s growing, it was easy to find Amir was a sensitive and emotional people. The personality of Child Amir is complex because he didn’t know how to figure out and analyze things happened around him, so it cause his action that avoiding things happened. Hassa things shows it, weaknesses of Amir, and it real hurt Amir even he became a adult, it was obviously that shadow remained in his heart was never disappear.
People’s character actually has no change. The important things between Adult Amir and Child Amir is eventually Amir discover his essentiality, to face the real feeling, to be brave, to be soft and to be honest, and these reason help he raise above his shadow. The other change is he becomes more patient, not like that easily being piece off.
As story goes on, when Amir back to see hassa’s son, it symbolize a change of Amir compared with he left his friend away. Also, We can see adult Amir was much more mature than he was young.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Jun's assignment7
assignment #7
Adult Amir vs. Child Amir from Dana
Alzahid-Adult Amir Vs. Child Amir
As in Chapter 16, in which Rahim Khan updates Amir on what has happened to Hassan since Amir and Baba left Kabul, or in Hassan's letter, in which some of the same events are told from a different point of view
The adult Amir moves to remedy this failure by accepting the mission to rescue Hassan's son, Sohrab, from an uncertain end.
The author alludes to earlier in the book, when Amir hid money in Hassan's bed in order to get rid of the guilt-inducing presence of the boy. This time, however the adult Amir hides money in order to help Farid's family, who suffer greatly form the oppressive regime of the Taliban.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Adult Amir vs. Child Amir from Xinyue
Friday, March 27, 2009
Anna's Assignment# 7
In order to chapters 15-19 I understood that Amir behavior was really changed compare to when he was a child. In some cases he still behave like a child because I believe there is some behavior in most the people that they grow with them and getting rid of them is so hard. Like when children grow with feel of jealousy he/she will have this feel for whole of his/her life unless people want to change their manner. As I read the text I figure out Amir still has not good feeling about Hassan or feel of missing him, because when he saw Rahim Khan he didn’t ask about Hassan and what he is doing ,he waits until Rahim Khan start talking about Hassan. Also when Rahim khan asked for helping sohrab and picking him up from Kabul he wasn’t accepted, he said I have family I have good life in America, I don’t want to risk. He was still really selfish like in earlier when we read about when Assef and his friends hit Hassan, Amir stayed back and he didn’t help Hassan. In the other hand he had changed in some characteristics, such as generousness, like when he was in driver's house and he tough the children like his watch he gave them the watch, his own watch as a gift which he didn’t do that before. Also when he was about to leave there house he leave some money under the mattress for helping them. Actually he did this many years ago but this time for assisting them not for accusation to robbery.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Adult Amir vs. Child Amir from Wei
Friday, March 20, 2009
Adult Amir vs. Child Amir
Due Monday, March 30, 5 pm.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Cut-off for Posts on Assignment 6
Jiahui's assignment 6
Jun's assignment6
Kiho assignment for #6
What can be a next energy after outgoing fossil fuel? I think there is a few way of plan. First, all international government should realize that the investing for the natural resource must be most important plan for saving the world rather than economic stimulations. Second, individual people should find a way of a saving the energy. This essay will be contained about both the future plan for government and individual plan for house which will be Feng Shui.
assignment 6
Assignment 6
The people holding the latter view suppose that tourists are likely to offend the local people because of the lack of knowledge of the local customs, which differ from their own. Moreover, tourism inevitably harms the natural resources and the cultural legacy, which may lead to the resentment of the local people.
However, I can hardly assent to this idea: the above mentioned rarely happens. In my opinion, international tourism does encourage the understanding between people from different countries. For one thing, without going to see for themselves, people may never know what other countries are really like and thus can be misled by hearsay or films and TV programmes, which, more often than not, are one-sided. For instance,having seen the fine scenery or experienced the rich culture of other countries, tourists will have the desire to develop a good relationship with the locals, which certainly contributes to the understanding between them.
In conclusion, instead of causing tension, international tourism furthers the understanding of people from different countries.
Hitomi assignment#6
Stella's assignment6
In my opinion,the answer is yes.As goverment spending is gigantic. Additionally,global financial crisis will creat more dollar in 2009. Last but not least,give the best value for the dollar will save a lot of money to recover economic.
I chose this topic as my major is business management which relates economic, and i have found many people around have financial problem.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Amy's Homework#6
Assignment #6
We share our daily lifes with a lot of animals. Sometimes they could be our best friends, and sometimes they provide us our main needs. They serve us most of the time. What about they used for testing that so dangerous for testing on human being.
Assignment 6 form Xinyue
Elizabeth's Assignment#6
Terry's Assignment6
“Success” is very attractive word and everyone want to taste it. If you want to get the success, there is no doubt that you must know what you need could give you the success. That’s why I choose this topic.
Goal is very important for everyone to get his or her success. It’s the key of success and a indispensable element in people’s life. You will have energy to work hard with setting a goal, so the goal is the origin of your energy. You will also know the reason that you work hard. If you are clear for this concept, you may work hard without any carelessness. Of course it's easier and earlier for you to achieve your goals with setting ones at first. Just like Bolt, he could break WR and create miracles again and again with giving himself higher goals step by step. So we should set different goals for ourselves to fulfill our ambitions.
LI Assigment 6
Wei Homework#6
Anna Assignment# 6
Black Friday is the day after thanksgiving. In the busiest shopping day in year people try to win in the shopping race! Which is really interesting for me. Most of people wait all year till black Friday for buying their requirement. In black Friday you can see long lines that have come to existence sine one day before. In the other hands most retailers also lay heavily on black Friday to sale their produce especially in recession. The controversial question is that if there is a big deal and great bargain for customer why the retailers lay heavily on the Black Friday. In this essay I want to say that black Friday and most of discount in this day are lour more than real and all of them are publicity more than great bargain.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Dana'sn Assignment 6
Assignment #6
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
HW 5
For me I never thought of coming here so I didn't think about it a lot before I come here It just happened, but i used to have some ideas about America like it is a powerful country and love that idea.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Abdul Assignment #5
I heard lots of bad things about America before I got here, like how people are raciest and its not safe to live there. I been here almost three years now and nothing bad happened to me, I like it.
Assignment # 5
About me, before I arrived to the U.S, I had an idea that this country was a full of crimes, however, I knew that there were many chances for people to build their future. Now, living in the U.S is completely different from the idea of America. I adjusted my thoughts, I know not all states have very high crimes rate, only a few. I know that is always a chance for a hard worker to achieve her goals.
wei's #5 assignment
Before i came to US. i thought Americans are not very friendly since i watched tons of movies about how violent americans are and how much power they want to have.I thought in US, almost everyone has a gun from being rubbed on the street.However , here in Kent, almost everyone is friendly and glad to help each other.They even greet strangers on street which we don't do that in China.Seeing is believing.That's is what my experence told me.
Assignment 5
Hitomi assignment#5
he found out that his idea of America was different from the reality. The environment around the Bay Area is terrible for him. Also, when he entered the grocery store, he got mad to Nguyens because he was asked to show his ID. It's because he was very rich and had authority in Kabul, but his power didn't work any more in the U.S. Therefore, he had a frustration about that.
In my case, I thought that every American is friendly and overweight, also America is very dengerous place like everyone has a gun or knife. But it was of course not. There are so many kinds of people in the U.S. and it is not as danger as my expectation.
assignment #5
My idea of America is similar to reality. I'm still live in earth. there still people with two hands, two legs, a face with two eyes, two ear. the place have sky, tree, and houses.
Baba's and Kiho's Thought for America
For me, I was really afraid of living in America before I came here because people could have a gun. It was not typical thing in Korea even police office. I thought people could easily fire gun when they were mad. But I changed after a few month later American people also afraid of gun, and carrying a gun was not typical thing to people, so I have felt safe with here now.
Anna assignment #5
Individually before I came to united state my idea was contrary, I expected to encounter with so polite and well organized people, but I didn’t. In America sometimes people, especially young persons, mix up rudeness with freedom. Democracy and freedom is a great characteristic in U.S.A but most of the time young people abuse it, but I still believe in America as a good country.
Li 10&11
Sunday, March 1, 2009
As I understood from the text that I read about what Amir said that baba liked the idea of america . Baba realized that what had happened in the truck that he and his son weren't in a perfect place to live so he liked to move to a save place with his son to save their life.However, he liked america because maybe it was a save place and good for living. Also, he thougth the life would be better thanin peshawer.
Stella's assignment 5
In Baba's opinion,America is a great country,America the brash savior are real men in this world. Actually,American do not live in harmony.No one trusts anybody.Nguyen wants to see Baba's license when he had no cash on him for the oranges although Baba and Amir have bought Nguyen's damn fruits and put money in his pocket.
Before i came to America,i supposed i would be tease as i am a foreigner and American are full of pride and prejudice as America is one of the strongest country in the world. But i think American are very hospitable now,they are so friendly,they say hello to you even they do not know you. Besides,they seem to ready to help you whenever if you meet with trouble.
Assignment 5 form Xinyue
Before I came here I thought America must have tall buildings everywhere. There are all develop cities. And America must have convenient transportation. And many kinds of stores, it must be busy every day. But when I arrived here I found not every place is like that just big city is like what I imaged. There are many small towns like Kent. And if you don’t have a car you cannot go anywhere. It’s very inconvenient. I know every developed country has its countryside.
Jun's assignment5
But, America was a place to mourn his “idea of America” also. He worked hard at a gas station. He lived in a poor condition. He got an ulcer. It was a complete different life than before when he lived in his hometown. He missed his old life. There was one thing really make him upset for the thing happened on him in America. He got to fight with Mr. Nguyen when he was asked to show his ID at Mr. Nguyen’s grocery store. Because, it would not happen to be asked questions and ID when he bought grocery in Kabul. “What kind of a country is this? No one trusts anybody!”
I thought it would be very convenience to do things in America before I came here. Everybody knew that America is a developed country. But I’ve found it will be very inconvenience if you don’t know driving in America. I didn’t drive in my country. But I could go any place easier. It is more convenience than in America.
Jiahui's assignment 5
Before I came here, I thought the American life may be quite different from the Chinese life and the differences will appear in every aspects. Thus, I wondered if I can stand it. In the matter of fact, ignoring the tastes of food, it's not so hard for me to adapt the life here, however. Even though I've met some rough problems and I know I'll meet more, it's not a big deal. I'm strong enough to face the challenges from life because I believe the future is in my own hands.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Terry's Assignment5
Baba had nothing here but 2 hands now. Everything is zero for him, so he must start from zero. He was not rich any longer and everyone treated him not as kind as the people in the past. He also had to work hard for living. Sum up, all aspects have been changed in his life.
This is American dream that begin from zero and achieve your goals through struggling and then enjoy the feeling of success. It’s not only American dream but the essence of life. The essence of life is striving and then making your dream true by your own hands with tasting the happiness in the process!!!
Elizabeth's Assignment#5
Friday, February 27, 2009
Dana's Assignment 5 - KR Chapter 10&11
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Homework #5
It means that Baba thought America is a freely country. It’s a wonderful place for people to realized their dreams by their hard work. Baba and Amir come to American after a long time’s tough life in waiting and now they can really touch the place and begin their new life in this country where has no war. He think he can achieve his goal again. That’s why Baba said he love the idea of America, he can see the hope in this place. However, everything was not so great because when they were put in a absolutely different culture, they must try their best to adapt the new environment.There must have huge differences between the life in their mind and in the real America society. At the early time, Baba thought life is full of hope.However, the true is, he can’t adapt to the new life even nearlly two years’ stay. He quarreled with the owner of a bookstore just because she asked his ID. He felt that people here don’t trust others and also look down upon them. They lived in a poor area and Baba began to think about the life before they come here.
Well, before I come here, America in my mind is related with the words like busy, prosperous and lively. As the most strong country in the world, I think the cities must be full of exciting and interesting things. However, when I came here, I found what I thought is wrong. On the contrary, even the big city is really peacful. I’m looking forward to get some different experiences here but there’s no chance for me to do it. It’s a pity that the life here is far away of what I have thought before but I also enjoy this kind of quiet because this is a really a perfect for me to study and obtain many useful things or my future life.
Assignment 5 - KR Chapter 10&11
At the beginning of chapter 11, Amir says that “Baba liked the idea of America.” What does he mean by that? How is the idea of America different from the reality of America for Baba? Use at least one example from the text to support your answer. How is your idea of America different from the reality of living in America?
Find & read a current article on a subject you find interesting and have an opinion about. You will need to present this article (give a short summary) and your opinion to the class.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Abdul assignment# 4

A model is a person who is posed or displayed for the purpose of art, fashion, or other products and advertising.
Kayla is the one we see in this picture ,she used to model for 5 years until she had an accident and lost her left hand she stopped modeling for a while. she didn’t have much attention before ,but now she does with only one hand. Beauty doesn’t mean perfect.
Although she still beautiful, and I agree with this picture.
Abdul assignment# 3
Abdul assignment# 2
Abdul assignment# 1
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Assignment 2
The problem between Amir and his father is normal. Parents always think in their way and ignore children’s feeling. We can clearly see the gap between Amir and his father. We can attribute to difficulty for them reaching a consensus. When father commenced forcing his son, the gap become bigger and biger. So they cant have a very close bond. In the other way, Amir love and appreciate his father very much, he want to become like him, as strong as him. Therefore, he has a very complex feeling about his father, even he can not figure out.
Assignment 1
Soul of shrimp
I think soul of shrimp is easily happened in such a person like him. People are reasonable get in this kind of feeling by defects. Only escaping is not a good way, people should first face the problem; rise above the weakness is an important step. Then try to change attitude.
However, I think my problem in writing is that I often use wrong words in sentences. That causes my sentences always not in a native way in English. So, sometimes, I am hesitant to speak and write. Sometime I lack of confidence to write and speak. But now, I am in American, if I only let the problem go because of no confidence, there is nothing help. When you figure out where the place you are, after some confidence come back, the soul of shrimp will disappear.
Monday, February 16, 2009
The beauty of Stephanie Sun

Stephanie Sun is Singapore's first recording artiste to crake the regional market in a huge way, selling over 10 million albums in Asia since her 2000 debut. She is incredible beautiful because of her looks, style and talent in music.
Her beauty reflects on music area. She graduated from Nanyang Technological University, and she’s father is a musical professor. So since she is 4 years old, she began to learn classical instrument like piano and violin. Stephanie Sun is one of the rare souls who discovered who she is from young and develop her youthful energy. Her voice is amazing, you can’t find a 18 years old girl can sing like her, however, she is 30 years now. you can always find deeper sense from lyrics, and shocked by her music.
She is beautiful also because of Sun, with her fresh-faced look, sparkling eyes and clothes, and has been dubbed the Kate Moss of Singapore by some in the fashion circles. Grace Lee, 42, editor says, " There are so many singers out there who don't realize that looking dressed up doesn't necessarily mean you have style." She is that kind of people looks pretty just in a simple designed cloth. Clearly, she knows herself very well, and has enough self-confidence. "Over time I have become more self-assured about my image," she says. As from beauty, we can see one’s personality character and inner energy. We can easy find a beauty in a person from their appearance and talent. Definitely Beauty is always truth, confidence and deep sense. Then style will apper.